Through time it has increased in popularity within the Mexican-American community in the United States and has become a minimal holiday in [http://www.history.com/topics/holidays/cinco-de-mayo Mexico].   
Through time it has increased in popularity within the Mexican-American community in the United States and has become a minimal holiday in [http://www.history.com/topics/holidays/cinco-de-mayo Mexico].   
Usage: Pertaining to the Northwestern Community, Cinco de Mayo has been a holiday that has been culturally appropriated throughout the country with mustaches, ponchos, and the infamous cinco de mayo cerveza (“beer”) or margaritas. Northwestern’s Hispanic/Latino Student Alliance Alianza along with Northwestern’s Student Associated Government (ASG) sent a joint letter asking for university students to be culturally sensitive about the event. The letter ^^ received backlash and reactions even went viral on  media outlets such as Opposing View ^^ and The College Fix ^^^.
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