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Do you use "LaFe"?
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There were 3 votes since the poll was created on 10:32, 10 March 2014.
poll-id BC10C473DCB9D326AF2AA2E62326250C

Part of Speech



[lä fā]


LaFe stands for Latino Fellowship. It is an InverVarsity Christian Fellowship at Northwestern University. They state, "We are una comunidad that welcomes Catholics, Evangelicals, and anyone who just wants to know more about and/or deepen their relationship with God."[1] This is a ministry specifically designed to reach out and unite Latino students at Northwestern.

Example Sentence

I loved LaFe last night, we had a great discussion about having faith during finals week.

Context Labels

This jargon is predominantly used among Christian groups, "La Fé" means "The Faith" in Spanish, which is the from where the name is derived. A member outside of the Christian community might be able to use "LaFe" in reference to this organization without seeming odd or out of place, however, data seems to show that this phrase is most commonly used and known within this organization, and other branches of its umbrella organization, InterVarsity.[2]

Heard Used (in conversation) Used (in text)
Often 8 3 1
Sometimes 29 12 11
Never 59 81 84


  1. [>
  2. Data taken from an informal survey conducted among 96 members of various Christian groups on Northwestern's campus.