Pride and Guts

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Part of Speech



['prid / and / 'guhts]


Pride and Guts, or "P&G", is a term used by the Northwestern University Marching Band (NUMB) that refers to the standard of behavior that is expected of all members of the band. Pride refers to having a sense of pride in NUMB's performances, the organization as a whole, the NU football team, and Northwestern University. Guts refers to performing to the best of one's abilities despite hardships and challenges.


Pride and Guts is commonly shortened to "P&G".

Why It's Wild

"Pride and Guts" is the unofficial motto of NUMB and the phrase is often used during practices to encourage NUMB members. Broadly speaking, "Pride and Guts" is the embodiment of NUMB spirit.

Example Sentence

  1. You have to play with Pride and Guts!


ChristineS (talk)