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Part of Speech



[ko hee ow aw]
  • Note about pronunciation: コーヒーアワー is the Japanese transliteration of coffee hour, and the Latin character equivalent of the phrase is koohii awaa.


A weekly event organized by Japanese professors during which both students of Japanese and native speakers can practice casual conversations in the language. Snacks and barley tea are usually offered and it usually takes place at the Asian Languages and Cultures office, located at what is referred to as 1800シャーマン (hassenpyaku shaaman/hah sen pyah koo shah mahn/1800 Sherman).

Related Terms

Another similar event put up by the foreign language departments is referred to in Japanese as ティータイム (tii taimu/tee ti moo/tea time), and it occurs at ランゲージテーブル (rangeeji teeburu/rahn gay jee tay boo roo/language table).


Used primarily by Japanese professors and students taking Japanese.

Example Sentence

  1. I need to practice my speaking skills at コーヒーアワー (coffee hour) before studying abroad in Japan.