Women's center

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Revision as of 08:44, 13 June 2018 by Palmtree (Talk | contribs)

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Part of Speech



['womenz / 'sen təʳ ]


The Women's Center is an organization seeking to promote women, gender equity and inclusion within the Northwestern University community. [1] It is present on both Evanston and Chicago campuses of Northwestern. In Evanston, it is located at 2000 Sheridan Road at the corner of Foster and Sheridan. In Chicago, it is located in Abbott Hall at 710 N. Lake Shore Drive. [2]

The Women's Center is also committed to advance social justice, support not only women, but also trans and non-binary people at Northwestern as well as educate on feminism and gender issues. [3]

The Women's Center works closely with many on-campus organizations such as, for example, the Association of Northwestern University Women, CAPS, College Feminists or the Organization of Women Faculty. [4] Every quarter, this organization hosts many programs that promote dialogue around women, gender and societal issues. [5] Visit the Northwestern Women's Center website for more information.

Example Sentences

The Women's Center is across the street from Plex.


Palmtree (talk) 08:44, 13 June 2018 (CDT)
  1. [1], Northwestern Women's Center website.
  2. [2], Northwestern Women's Center website.
  3. [3], Northwestern Women's Center website.
  4. [4], Northwestern Women's Center website.
  5. [5], Northwestern Women's Center website.